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Home Based New Born Care

About 4 million newborn die in the world every year, 90% of them in the developing world. Most of these deaths are preventable by simple interventions in the community. However,in most of the target countries. The implementation of essential newborn care has been very poor. The Home based or community care packages include maternal care, Essential newborn care,Improving the behavior change communication of the community,Resuscitation of newborn babies at the time of home delivery, and management of sick, newborns with antibiotics at home.
Every year,four million newborn deaths occur in the world out of which nearly one-fourth are contributed by India.
Every newborn requires basic care which has to be provided by the mother at home This includes Warmth,feeding,basic hygiene and identification of danger signs , and seeking help from health personnel whenever required. Therefore, all newborns get home based newborn care as per the perception and sociocultural behavior of the society. However it has been observed by various studies on the newborn care in the communicates that the knowledge and the practices of simple care E.g .Prevention of hypothermia, feeding of colostrum and exclusive breastfeeding, are lacking(7-10).The knowledge regarding identification of danger signs and care seeking behavior of the families has been fount to be variable
The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for essential newborn care include clean delivery keeping the newborn warm,early initiation of breastfeeding,exclusive breastfeeding ,care of the eyes,care during illness, immunization and care of low birth – wight newborns. Therefore it is necessary for the mother and family to understand these aspect of child birth and newborns care, and be prepared to react for the potential dangers,


There is no uniformity on the exact definition of home based care. Normally defined it as family oriented and community oriented services that support self care,including the adoption of improved care practices and appropriate care.Search for

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